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Sinai Covenant



Learning Outcomes. After studying this lesson, you should describe the call of Moses 

One day, Moses was looking after or tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law. Jethro was a priest of 

Midian. When Moses came to mount Horeb, the mountain of God, the angel of the Lord appeared to 

him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that although the bush was on fire, it was not 


Moses went over to the burning bush to look. God called him out within the bush… “Moses! Moses!” He 

replied, “Here I am”. God then told Moses not to come closer and to take off his sandals for the place 

where he was standing was a holy ground. 

God introduced himself as the God of his father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of 

Jacob. God then said he had seen the misery and sufferings of the Israelites in Egypt. He had heard their 

cry. God had come down to rescue Israelites from the hand of Egyptians. God was to take them to their 

home, the land of the Canaanites, a land flowing with milk and honey. 

God told Moses that He was sending him to go to Pharaoh and bring out the Israelites, the people of 

God, from Egypt. Moses resisted the call. He asked God “Who am I, that is should go to Pharaoh and 

bring the Israelites out of Egypt?” God promised to be with him. God said to Moses… Say to the 

Israelites… the Lord. The God of their fathers, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and God of Jacob has sent 

me to you. 

Moses was told to assemble the elders of Israel and inform them that God was going to deliver them 

from Egypt. Moses was then to go to the king of Egypt with the elders. He was to tell the king “the Lord, 

the God of the Hebrews has met with us. (EXODUS 3:1 – 22) 

God’s sign to Moses. Moses was given several signs by God In case the people of Israel did not believe in 


a) First sign was his staff turning into a snake when he threw it down. When he touched the snake’s tail 

it turned into his staff 

b) Second sign was God asked Moses to put his hand inside his cloak and it was as white as a snow – 

leprous. He was asked to put it back into his cloak and it was restored. 

c) Moses further complained that he was a stammerer. God then appointed Aaron, his brother as his 


Reasons Moses gave against the call 

1. He felt unworthy of the call. 

2. He wondered who he was to tell the Israelites that God had sent him 

3. Moses said that he was a stammerer so he let God choose a spokesperson. 

Moses however heeded to the call and went back to Egypt together with his family. God promised to be 

with him and perform signs before Pharaoh. 

What does the name Moses mean? It means drawn out of water. 

What did Moses learn about God from his Calling? Moses learnt that: 

1. God is caring, merciful and concerned about the welfare of his people – Israelites. 

2. God is transcendent – he is beyond human understanding. He cannot be limited to time and space. 

3. God chooses whomever he wills to carry out his plans. He chose Abraham an old man, a moon 

worshipper and now Moses, a murderer, a fugitive and a stammer. 

4. God expects total obedience and faith from those that He chooses 

5. God is powerful, eternal and omnipresent 

6. God is holy. 

7. God is a God of history, which means He is concerned with His people’s welfare. 

8. God is mysterious – He manifested Himself in the burning bush that was not being consumed. 

How did God prepare Moses to be the future leader of Israelites? 

1. His life was spared when he was rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter 

2. He was nursed by his own mother who taught him about Yahweh and his own true identity 

3. Life in the wilderness hardened him to be bold and to persevere hardships 

4. He learnt to be patient, keen, and responsible as a shepherd 

5. He acquired leadership skills while living at pharaoh’s palace 

6. He learnt literacy and numeracy skills (Educational skills) at the palace. 

7. He was not a stranger to Pharaoh hence he could approach him freely. 


Learning outcomes. After studying this lesson, you should 

a. Describe the ten plagues 

b. Give Attributes of God which we learn from the plagues 

During the call of Moses at Mount Sinai, God gave Moses a rod with which he could perform mighty 

signs before the Israelites and before Pharaoh. Aaron was to be his spokesman. Moses and Aaron 

gathered the Israelite elders and leaders to tell them what God had said to them. After Moses had 

performed the miracles that God had showed him; the Israelite leaders believed him. 

They then approached Pharaoh so that he may release the Israelites. However instead of releasing the 

Israelites, Pharaoh became crueler. He gave Israelites harder work. 

When Pharaoh refused to release Israelites, God instructed Moses to bring ten plagues upon Egypt. 

These plagues brought; great trouble and suffering to Israelites. 

Ten plagues 

1) The plague of blood (Exodus 7: 14 – 25) 

Moses and Aaron used the rod. They struck the waters of the river as God instructed them. All the water 

in the rivers, canals, and pools in Egypt turned into blood. All the fish died and there was no water to 

drink. This situation lasted for seven days. However Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. He did not release 

the Israelites. 

2) The plague of frogs (Exodus 8:1 – 15) 

God then sent Moses to tell Pharaoh that if he refused to release the Israelites the whole land would be 

covered with frogs. At the command of Moses, Aaron held out the rod of Moses and frogs covered the 

whole land. On seeing this, Pharaoh pleaded with Moses and Aaron to pray to the Lord to get rid of the 

frogs and he would release them. They prayed and all the frogs died. Pharaoh, however, changed his 

mind and refused to release the Israelites. 

3) Plague of gnats (Exodus 8:16 – 19) 

The lord instructed Moses to tell Aaron to strike the ground and Aaron did so and all the dust in Egypt 

turned into gnats or small flies that bites. The magicians of Egypt could perform the first two plagues. 

They could not bring the plague of gnats. Egyptians acknowledged that the presence of gnats or small 

flies that bites was God’s work. But even with this information, Pharaoh still refused to release the 


4) Plague of flies (Exodus 8:20 – 32) 

The Lord warned Pharaoh through Moses once more. He was told that God would send swarms of flies 

to the Egyptian houses. The Israelites houses would be spared. Even after bringing the plague of flies, 

Pharaoh’s heart hardened even more 

5) Death of cattle (Exodus 8:1 – 7) 

A plague of disease befell the Egyptian cattle. Not a single Israelites’ animal died. Pharaoh was not 

moved; and he refused to let Jews go home. 

6) Plague of boils (Exodus 9:8 – 12) 

Moses threw ashes into the air as God had instructed. This produced boils, which became open sores on 

the skin of the Egyptians. Unmoved by the suffering of his people, Pharaoh still refused to let the 

Israelites leave. 

7) Plague of hail (Exodus 9:13 – 35) 

Moses raised his rod and there was a hailstorm with lighting and thunder. The people, animals and 

plants that were struck by the lightning died. Pharaoh then promised to let the Israelites go but as soon 

as Moses prayed for the hailstorm to stop, pharaoh hardened his heart and refused to let the Israelites 


8) Plague of Locusts (Exodus 19:1 – 20) 

Locusts covered the whole land and ate all the crops in the fields. The locusts ate all that had not been 

destroyed by the hailstorm. When Moses prayed to God, for locusts to leave; Pharaoh hardened his 

heart and refused to let the Israelites leave. 

9) Plague of darkness (Exodus 10: 21 – 29) 

God then instructed Moses to stretch out his hand to heaven. There was total darkness in Egypt for 

three days. But there was light where the Israelites they were living. Pharaoh remained unmoved and 

would not release the Israelites out of Egypt. 

10) Death of Egyptian first-born males (Exodus 11: 1 – 31). 

After the plague of darkness, God sent Moses once more to Pharaoh. He was told that this time even his 

family would be affected. The Lord would kill all the first-born Egyptian sons and first-born male animals 

at midnight. This plague occurred during the night of Passover. Pharaoh was moved and allowed 

Israelites to leave Egypt. 

What do the plagues tell us about God’s attributes?  GOD: 

1. Empowers His people to perform miracles and to do His work 

2. Is Almighty and more powerful than the Egyptian gods. 

3. Is determined to fulfil His plans. 

4. Is a God of justice. He protects the oppressed. 

5. Gives everyone a chance to repent. Notice that each time Pharaoh promised to release the Israelites; 

God relieved the Egyptians from the plagues. 

6. Fulfils His promises – He had promised Abraham to deliver his descendants  from foreign lands. 

7. Expects total obedience and faith. 

8. Communicates His will through natural events. 

9. Is caring and loving. 

LESSON THREE: PASSOVER. (EXODUS 12:1-30, 19, 20, 34) 

Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, 

(a) Explain what happened  to Egyptians 

(b) Tell what Israelites were asked to do 

(c) Explain actions of the angel of death 

The tenth plague is called the Passover. It happened  on the fourteenth day of the month. The Israelites 

were to offer one-year-old lamb per family. If a family was too small, they were to share the lamb with 

their neighbours. If a lamb was not available, a one-year-old goat could also be used. They were told to: 

1. Slaughter the lamb/goat; smear some of the blood on the sides and tops of the door- frames of their 


2. Roast the meat and eat it with bitter herbs and unleavened bread (bread without yeast). If there were 

any leftovers they were to burn them with fire. 

3. Eat in a hurry while fully dressed and having packed their belongings. They were told borrow silver, 

clothing’s jewellery, and gold from the Egyptians. 

4. That on the same night, the ‘angel of death’ would kill every first born both males and animals in the 

houses without blood. 

5. The angel of death would pass over the houses with blood sparing them. The blood was a sign to 

indicate this is a house of Israelites. When the Lord sees the blood, He will passed over that house (V.13) 

6. The Israelites were told to celebrate / commemorate from generation to generation the Passover as a 

festival to the Lord. 

7. The Israelites were not allowed to come out of their houses on the night of Passover. 

8. At midnight, the Lord struck down all firstborn in Egypt from Pharaoh’s household to the firstborn of 

the prisoners and firstborn of livestock. 

9. There was loud wailing over Egypt. Every house had someone dead. 

Significance of items used during the Passover  

1) Roasted Meat – this is the easiest method of preparing food since the Israelites were to leave in a 

short time. 

2) Bitter herbs – was a reminder of the suffering and hardships and slavery experienced in Egypt. 

3) Eating while standing. Deliverance was near, hence the need to leave in a hurry. 

4) Eating while fully dressed with their stuff at hand. This signified a quick deliverance; hence Israelites 

should be ready to leave Egypt at once. 

5) Eating unleavened bread – the bread was to be eaten and none left over hence there was no need to 

add yeast for preservation. 

6) Collecting Jewellery – God had promised Abraham that after slavery for four hundred and thirty years, 

his descendants shall be freed with great possessions. 

7) Remaining indoors – for security from death. Anyone outside was killed. 

Blood on doorposts – a sign for deliverance. The angel of death would pass over doors with blood. 



Exodus means movement of a large number of people. 

Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson: 

a. Describe how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea 

b. Explain how God protected  the Israelites during the Exodus 

c. Tell how God provided water in the wilderness 

d. Report how God provided manna and quails to Israelites in the wilderness 

Crossing the red sea 

During the night of the Passover, Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and told them to leave, to go 

and worship their Lord. All the Israelites, their flocks and herds were urged to leave in a hurry. Pharaoh 

took his chariot army and followed the Israelites and found them camped by the Red Sea. 

God led the Israelites over the desert towards the Red Sea. Moses took the body (bones) of Joseph, as 

Joseph had requested the Israelites to do. “ when God rescues you, you must carry my body with you 

from this place” (Ex 13 vs. 19) 

During the day the Lord went in front of them in a pillar of cloud (angel of God) to show them the way, 

and during the night the lord went in front in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel 

night and day. This pillar of cloud led the Israelites by day and night. 

The Egyptian army followed Israelites and caught up with them by the Red Sea where they had camped. 

Moses asked the scared Israelites to move near the sea. 

God told Moses to lift up his stick, and hold it over the sea. The waters of the Red Sea divided and the 

Israelites crossed the sea on dry ground with walls of water on both sides. The angel of God, and the 

pillar of cloud (who had been in front of the army of Israel) moved behind the Israelites and provided 

light to them as they cross.. 

The Egyptians army pursued Israelites. The pillar of cloud made it dark for Egyptians who could not see 

where they were going. Just before daylight, the Lord looked at the Egyptians from the pillar of cloud 

and fire and God threw the army of the Egyptians into confusion. Moses was asked by the Lord to 

stretch out his hand. He did so and waters returned to its normal level drowning Egyptian army and their 


God protected  the Israelites during the Exodus by: 

1) Making them cross the red sea on dry ground. 

2) Providing water in the wilderness. 

3) Providing manna and quails. 

4) Defeating Amalekites – their enemies. 

5) Protecting them from snakes and diseases in the wilderness. 

Provision of water in the wilderness 

Israelites travelled in the desert for three days without water. The water, which they found at Marah 

was bitter and could not be drunk. They called the place ‘Marah’ meaning ‘bitter’. This made them 

complain. Moses prayed to the Lord. 

The Lord showed Moses a piece of wood. Moses threw it into the water and it became fit to drink. God 

continued providing Israelites with water. 

Again the Israelites lacked water and complained bitterly (Ex.17:1 – 9). God instructed Moses to strike a 

rock and water came out of it. Moses called that place ‘Massah’ – which means ‘testing ‘and ‘Meribah’ – 

meaning ‘rebellion’. This was because the Israelites quarreled and tested God. 

Provision of manna and quails (EX 16:1 – 35) 

As the Israelites were travelling through the desert, they ran out of food. They were hungry and 

complained to Moses. Their complaints displeased the Lord for they often told Moses they wished he 

had let them die in Egypt instead of dying in the wilderness. This showed that the Israelites did not trust 

God to provide for them. 

In the morning, they were given Manna, which is a Hebrew word for the type of bread given to Israelites 

by God. The bread looked like wafers or flakes and tasted like coriander seed. 

In the evening, GOD provided Israelites with quail’s meat. The provision of manna and quails (meat) 

lasted for 40 years. 

On the 6th day of each week, God gave them food for two days one for the 6th day and the other for 

the 7th day (Sabbath). 


Learning outcomes 

a. Describe challenges faced by the Israelites during the Exodus 

b. Explain the importance of exodus in the history of the Israelites 

Challenges faced by the Israelites during the Exodus 

During the Exodus, the Israelites faced the challenge of the Amalekites. These were desert Nomads who 

attacked the Israelites in the wilderness. When the Amalekite army came against Israelites, Moses 

ordered Joshua to gather men and fight. 

God promised to destroy the Amalekites forever. During the battle, Moses held up his rod. And each 

time he raised his hands with the rod, the Amalekites were defeated.  When he brought his hands down, 

the Israelites were defeated.  Because of this, Aaron and Hur supported Moses’ hands until the 

Amalekites were defeated. 

In the wilderness God protected  the Israelites form snakebites. 

He also used a cloud to protect the Israelites from the scorching heat during the day. At night, the pillar 

of fire provided warmth to protect them from the harsh cold of the wilderness. 

The importance of the exodus in the history of the Israelites 

The exodus showed Israelites that: 

1) God loves and tolerates His people. 

2) God did not abandon the Israelites despite their lack of faith. 

3) God gave the Israelites encouragement through his servant Moses. 

4) It was the end of the oppression of Israelites in Egypt. 

5) Moses was God’s chosen leader. 


Learning outcomes 

a. Describe the Sinai Covenant 

b. Sealing of the Covenant 

The Sinai covenant 

God and Israelites. God had specific instructions on how the Israelites were to prepare to make the new 

covenant. Before making the covenant, God brought Israelites to the foot of Mt. Sinai and asked Moses 

to ask them if they were willing to make the covenant with HIM. GOD asked them to enter into a 

personal relationship as a community with HIM. The Israelites agreed to make a covenant. They agreed 

to obey all God’s commands. God then promised to make them; 

i His people 

ii. A kingdom of priests 

iii. A holy nation 

God and Moses. God wanted to confirm that Moses was His true prophet. He therefore  told Moses that 

He would come in a thick cloud to meet Israelites. In preparation  for God’s coming on Mt. Sinai the 

Israelites were to: 

I. Make themselves holy by washing their clothes (garments) 

II. Mark the boundaries on the foot of the mountain to prevent any person or animal from climbing the 


III. To abstain from sexual relations 

At Mt Sinai, God manifested His presence in the form of thunder, lightening, earthquake and a thick 

cloud of smoke that covered the whole mountain. In addition, there was a loud trumpet blast that made 

the people tremble. Moses climbed the mountain. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments after 

sealing the covenant. 

Sealing of the covenant.

The Lord told Moses “Come up the mountain to me, you and Aaron, Nadab, 

Abibu and 70 of Israel leaders. At a distance bow down in worship, and come alone to me..” 

A ceremony was then prepared to seal the covenant. This is how it was sealed: 

a. Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain. 

b. He set up twelve stones, which represented the twelve tribes of Israel. 

c. He then sent young men to burn sacrifices to the Lord and sacrificed some cattle as fellowship offering 

and peace offerings to God (EX 24 vs. 5). 

d. Moses took half the blood of animals and poured it in bowls; and the other half he threw against the 

altar (vs. 6). He then took the book of the covenant, and read it aloud to the Israelites who responded by 

saying “all that the Lord has spoken we will do; and we shall be obedient” 

e. Moses then took the blood in the bowls and sprinkled it over the people; saying “ This is the blood 

that seals the covenant which the Lord made with you when he gave all these commands.” 

Theophany. God’s presence manifested itself in several ways such as: 

The burning bush (during the call of Moses) 

Pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud – Exodus story 

The mighty wind, earthquake, still small voice – story of Elijah 

Thunder, lighting, smoking mountain – Exodus of Israelites from the wilderness 

These were physical manifestations of God’s presence 


Learning outcomes. After reading and discussing this lesson, you should explain why Israelites broke the 

Sinai Covenant 

Israelites dishonored their pledge to obey God upon sealing the covenant; Moses went back to talk to 

God in the mountain. He left Aaron in charge of Israelites’ affairs. He stayed in the mountain for forty 

days. The lord revealed His glory to Moses at Mt. Sinai and declared His character. ”The Lord the 

compassionate and glorious God, slow to anger and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin (Ex 34:6 – 

The Israelites urged Aaron to make them gods that they could see. Aaron agreed. He melted the rings of 

gold and moulded a bull calf god. Israelites were happy and said “this is our god who took us out of 

Egypt”. They offered burnt offerings and peace offerings to it and indulged themselves in eating, 

drinking and sex. By accepting a bull calf as their god, the Israelites expected bull calf of gold to give 

them the same strength and fertility like the Egyptian gods. Through this act, they broke their covenant 

with God. 

When Moses came down from the mountain, he found Israelites worshipping the gold bull calf. He got 

annoyed. He threw down the stone tablets he was holding; on which the 10 commandments were 

written. Moses then took the golden calf, and burnt it into powder and mixed it with water. He then 

made those worshipping the calf to drink the mixture. Moses ordered those who had sinned to be killed. 


Learning outcomes. After studying this lesson, describe conditions for the renewal of the covenant 

The renewal of the covenant came after Moses pleaded with God not to destroy the Israelites after they 

broke the covenant. God spared the Israelites. God agreed to renew the covenant with the Israelites. He 

gave them several conditions for its renewal. 

Conditions for the renewal of the covenan

The Israelites were: 

a) To obey God’s commandments 

b) Not to make any treaty with those who lived in the land where they were going. 

c) To break down their altar, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah (Idols). Not to 

worship any other god and not to make idols for worship. 

d) To keep the feast of unleavened bread (Passover). 

e) Not to marry people form other tribes. 

f) To rest on the Sabbath day. 

g) To sacrifice and offer their best produce and animals to God. 

God in turn promised to 

a) Bless them. Protect and preserve the Israelites. 

b) Make them prosper so much that the surrounding nations would enquire about their source of 

wealth and success. 

With these conditions, the covenant between God and the Israelites was renewed. From the making and 

renewal of the covenant, it is clear that: 

(i) God expected the Israelites to obey and have faith in Him 

(ii) God wanted a personal relationship with Israelites. 

(iii) God is the only one to be worshipped. 

(iv) God is powerful. 


Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson 

a. Explain God’s purpose in delivering the Israelites from Egypt 

b. Describe features of worship 

a. God’s purpose in delivering the Israelites from Egypt was to worship and offer sacrifices to Him in the 

wilderness. He also intended to fulfil his promises to Abraham. 

b. Features of worshipping God in the wilderness. 

(i) The Israelites: Worshipped God through intermediaries. These were the priests who came from the 

tribe of Levi. 

(ii) The Israelites: Were guided in their worship and in daily living by the Ten Commandments and other 


(iii) The Ark of the Covenant was made in the wilderness. It was God’s dwelling place. It was a special 

box put into the tabernacle. A tabernacle was a portable tent. The ark symbolized the presence of God 

and the Israelites carried it wherever they went. 

(iv) Offerings of farm products or agricultural produce were given to God. These included among other 

farm products; vegetables, flour. Oil and fruits. 

(v) Other offerings to God were drinks, and incense. The offerings could be burnt, baked, boiled or 


(vi) There were several Sacrifices. They included: 

Burnt offerings (Holocaust) – burning a whole animal completely 

Sin offering /atonement – sacrifice offered when one had sinned and wanted to have his sins 


Peace offering – part of an animal was offered, while the people ate part of the meat. 

Gift offering – the best animal was given to God. It was offered as a thanksgiving 

Animals such as sheep, goats, bulls and birds were sacrificed to God. 

(vii) Festivals and feasts. Israelites observed several festivals and feasts. These included: 

Feast of Passover and unleavened bread. 

Harvest festival – feast of weeks or Pentecost. It marked the celebration of the harvest of wheat. 

Feast of gathering / shelters. It was celebrated during the season when the Israelites gathered the 

fruits from the Orchards. 

Feast of tabernacles that was celebrated to remember when the Israelites dwelt in tents. 

The Israelites kept the Sabbath day. They worshipped God through singing, worship and dancing. 


Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, 

a. Recite the ten commandments 

b. Apply the ten commandments in your life 

c. Describe Israelites new understanding of the nature of God 

d. Explain to yourself and others the nature of God 

a. The Ten Commandments 

While on Mount Sinai, God gave Moses Ten Commandments written on a stone tablet. The first four 

commandments  deal with relationship between man and God. God said: 

1. You shall have no other gods but me. 

2. You shall not make yourself a graven image. 

3. You shall not mention Gods’ name in vain. 

4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. 

The last six commandments give man’s relationship with fellow human beings. God said: 

5. Honor you father and mother that your days may be long on earth. 

6. You shall not kill. 

7. You shall not commit adultery. 

8. You shall not steal. 

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. 

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s property. 

These are my thoughts.

(1) Worshipping God

(2) Being faithful to God

(3) Resting

(4) respecting parental 


(5) love humanity

(6) Be faithful to your wife or husband

(7) respect other people’s property 

(8) be truthful always

(9) be satisfied with what God has given you. 

b. Israelites understand the nature of god 

The Israelites had a new and wider revelation about God. Besides GOD being a caring, loving, and a 

provider, they learnt that: 

a. God is a jealous God. He does not allow the worship of others gods. He alone should be worshipped. 

b. God does not condone evil. He punishes those who cause/engage in it. 

c. God values a personal relationship with his people. 

d. God wants people to live in harmony among them. 

e. God forgives those who repent. He is loving, merciful and compassionate 

f. God is a healer – he healed Israelites in the wilderness when a snake attacked them 

g. God is a God of victory. He defeated the Amalekites, perizzites, and Hittites etc. 

h. God is faithful and can be depended  upon. 

i. God is holy, slow to anger, powerful and just. 

j. God demands obedience to His commands. 

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