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Creation and fall of man



Learning outcomes. By the end of this topic you should be able to: 

a. Narrate the two creation stories 

b. State the differences between the two creation stories 

c. Identify the similarities between the two accounts of creation 

The book of Genesis begins with two creation stories. The first creation story is in Genesis chapter one. 

The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two. 

The two creation stories 

The first creation story is in Genesis chapter one The second creation story is in Genesis chapter two 

This story is like a song or poem. It’s written, “Let there be…” and God saw that it was good … to 

separate”, and there was evening and morning on …” 

Each creation is taken as a day. The creation took place in the following order. 

It is orderly 

1st day – God created day and night (Light and darkness) 

2nd day – The Heavens (sky) 

3rd day – The Earth, Water / Sea, Vegetation (Plants, trees, grass) 

4th day – Sun, Moon and Stars 

5thday – Birds, Sea Creatures 

6th day – Animals, Livestock, Man was the last creation (human beings) 

7th day – God rested and blessed the 7th day and made it holy. 

In this creation story, we see God creating things in an orderly manner, day after day until the 6th day. It 

was last in the first account. 

God created man from dust and breathed  into his nostrils before anything else is mentioned. God then 

put man in the Garden of Eden, which He had made for him so that man could till and keep it. The 

garden was planted eastward in Eden. Out of the ground, God made every tree to grow. In the middle of 

the garden, there was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Man was given the responsibility of tilling 

and conserving the garden. Man was commanded to eat of every tree in the garden except the tree of 

knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed from the garden and then it separated  into four tributaries. 

God saw that man should not be alone hence he made him a helper/mate; a woman from one of the 

man’s ribs. Man was also given the responsibility of naming all the animals in the garden. There is 

mention of God resting after work 

Differences between the two creation stories 

Mentions what was created on which day. Each creation takes a day Doesn’t mention the daily activities 

of GOD 

This story is like a song or a poem. Its written, Let there be…” and God saw that it was good … to 

separate”, and there was evening and morning on The story is in prose. For example… and God said … 

and it was evening 

It is orderly Not orderly was last in the first account 

Mentions what was created on which day Doesn’t’ mention what was created on which day 

Rivers and garden are not mentioned Mentions rivers, and garden for tilling 

Man and woman were created together Woman was created from ribs of man 

No mention of the knowledge Mention of the knowledge 

Marriage is for procreation Marriage is for companionship 

Sun, moon, stars, sky are mentioned Sun, moon, stars, sky are not mentioned 

God rested on the seventh day hence the Sabbath day Mention of resting after work but Sabbath day is 

not mentioned 

Similarities between the two accounts of creation 

In both creation accounts 

a) Men and women are created by God and are given special references. Man and woman are special to 


b) God rested after creation. 

c) God provided the source of food. 

d) God is portrayed as the sole creator of the universe and everything in it. 

e) Man is given the responsibility of controlling animals, birds and plants that God created 


Find out the differences between the two creation stories and write them down. Now compare them 

with my answer. 


Learning outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to state what you have learnt about 


The creation stories tell us that God is: 

(i) The sole creator and the only source of life 

(ii) Immortal and Eternal 

(iii) He is self existent 

(iv) God of order 

(v) Source of goodness and true happiness 

(vi) Holy, merciful and just 

(vii) Provider and sustainer of the universe and all that is in it 

(viii) All knowing (Omniscient) 

(ix) All powerful (Omnipotent) 

(x) Everywhere (Omnipresent) 

(xi) A personal God. 

(xii) He has a mind and a will 

(xiii) Moral God. He is interested in the behaviour of man and woman. He commands her/him to do the 

right things. 


Learning Outcomes. By the end of this lesson, you should narrate your community creation stories 

Traditional African view of creation is brought out through traditional stories of creation (Myths). The 

Agikuyu, Akamba, Gusii and other Kenyan communities have stories explaining their origin. These stories 

give each community a sense of belonging, and identity. The stories explain the mysteries of life. These 

stories have common characteristics or teachings. 

Thus all African communities believe that God: - 

(i) Is the chief architect of the world 

(ii) Existed from the very beginning of time. 

(iii) Created everything out of nothing. 

(iv) Provides for the needs of human beings. 

(v) Was disobeyed by human beings who had lived in eternal bliss. This bliss came to an end when 

human beings disobeyed God. 

(vi) The African communities had different names to describe God. God was not known as God but as 

the Creator of everything that existed on earth and skies. He was Mumbi and “Mungai” to Gikuyu. He 

was master of the universe. The Kamba called Him …Ngai wa Matu. They believed that God continues to 

create through human beings. 

Examples of African creation stories 

1. The Kamba believed that God created man and woman then tossed them to the earth. 

2. The Bukusu say that God the creator (Were Khakaba) created the world alone. 

a. First God created heaven then created two assistants, Mukhaba and Murumwa. Were the God made 

the sun, moon, stars, a big red cock which crows whenever it thunders, the rains, the rainbow, 

mountains, rivers, lakes, streams and all the other things on earth. 

b. Created a woman for the man. 

c. Created plants, animals, birds and other creatures. 

d. Creation work took six days. On the seventh day Were rested. 


Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should: 

a. Explain the importance of God’s creation 

b. State responsibilities given to human beings by God in creation stories 

I. God is responsible for all creation. He is the sole creator. God’s creation was good. Everything He 

created God said it was good. It was without flaws and mistakes. God is the provider. God created 

everything that man needs. He also created food for all animals and other creatures. God is orderly. 

II. Man has a special place in God’s creation. Man was made as the keeper of God creation. Man is a co- 

creator and keeper of God’s creation since he was made in the image and likeness of God. Man was 

commanded to work. 

III. A woman was made from the man’s flesh. She joins man in marriage and they become one flesh. God 

ordains marriage. Human beings were created to socialize. 

IV. Sin is a result of man and woman disobedience of God. 

Responsibilities given to human beings by God in the Genesis stories of creation 

After creating man and then woman, God asked man to: 

a. Reproduce and multiply. 

b. Rule over the rest of His creations. 

c. Be in charge of the fish, birds, and all the animals. 

d. Cultivate the garden and guard it. 

e. Eat from the fruits of the garden except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 

f. Name the animals. 

g. Subdue the earth 

h. Transform the creation that God has provided human beings with 

i. Use creation – forests, rivers, mountains with responsibility and respect. 

j. Be a steward of God’s creation 

k. Engineer God’s creation by creating things from the creation 

l. Dominate the earth 



Man and woman fell from the Garden of Eden. This experience is explained in genesis chapter 3 verse 4; 

chapter 6 verse 9 and chapter 11. In these verses, the Bible is teaching about sin, which made Adam and 

Eve fall 

Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to: 

a. Explain the origin of sin 

b. State the consequences of sin ex 

Sin is defined as iniquity, and guilt. It is to miss a mark, to transgress. Sin is a rebellion or an offence 

against God. Sin originated with the disobedience of Adam and Eve. They had been commanded not to 

eat of the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil – the tree in the middle of the Garden of 

Eden. But Adam and Eve ate the fruit after being deceived by the serpent. 

Man had the power to resist temptation but instead he yielded. Genesis Chapter 3 verse 6 states that 

man wanted to be wise and thought how wonderful it would be to become wise…” hence sin arises from 

the lack of knowledge of God, from the denial of trust of God. 

The consequences of sin 

After sinning, we the human race and sinners: 

1) Replaced friendship with God with fear of God. 

2) Lost innocence. What had been innocent and good became shameful. Adam and Eve became 

ashamed of their nakedness, something they had never felt before they sinned against God. 

3) Lost good relationship with God. The good relationship between God and man was betrayed. Human 

beings – were alienated from God. “The Lord God sent him out of the Garden of Eden…” 

4) Damaged the perfect relationship between man and woman. The Lord said to the woman “You will 

have desire for your husband, yet you will be subject to him”. 

5) Pain became part of human experience. “I will greatly multiply your pain in child bearing”. 

6) Man began toiling and struggling to meet his needs… “You will have to work hard and sweat to make 

the soil produce anything” 

7) The home of man, and the earth itself was placed under a curse. “Cursed is the ground because of 


8) Enmity between man and wild animals emerged. 

9) Man began to die. Death sentence is passed upon all men. “You will return to the ground… you are 


10) Man began to hate. Man developed murderous feelings in his heart, for example Cain killed Abel, his 

younger brother. 

11) Man changed and became prone to sin. 

12) Life span of man was reduced (see Gen. 6:3) 

” I will not allow people to live forever, they will live no longer than 120 years” 

13) Man’s language was confused by God after the flood (read Gen.11: 7) 

14) Sin led to embarrassment, mistrust, suffering, pain, pride, arrogance and death. 


Disobedience of God by Adam and Eve brought serious sin consequences to human beings. Sin brings 

sadness and suffering to man even today. 



In this lesson, we shall discuss the concept of evil as told by the traditional African religion and the 

biblical writings. We shall study similarities and differences of evil from the two religions. 

Learning outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to: 

a) Explain concept of evil in society by the African traditional religion 

b) Draw similarities between the African knowledge of evil in society with the Biblical concept of sin. 

c) Show differences between the African knowledge of evil in society with the Biblical concept of sin. 

What is evil? 

In the traditional African society, evil was an offence against God, spirits and ancestors. It was also 

viewed as an offence against another person or community. Evil was also a misfortune that can befall an 

individual or a community. 

What are the causes of evil? 

Many of the traditional African societies do not associate God with evil. God is not the creator of evil. 

Some communities believe that evil is an external power that exists on its own. Thus in the traditional 

African society, evil was understood or explained as something mysterious that was caused by several 

people and things. These were 

a) Evil spirits 

b) Ancestral spirits – due to disobedience to them 

c) Some animals like the chameleon are sources of evil. The Akamba believed that chameleons brought 

evil. Other communities believed that if an owl cries near one’s homestead, it is a sign of evil. 

d) People with mystical powers for example magic, sorcery, and witchcraft are evil 

e) If a member of a community breaks a taboos by disobedience, this action may bring evil spirits. 

f) The spirits of the dead; cause evil; if they are not remembered or respected.  Evil spirits cause harm 

and violence. 

Consequences of evil in traditional African society. These were many and ranged from (a) Barrenness (b) 

Drought (c) Epidemics (d) Madness (e) Sickness (f) Death (g) Drowning (h) Burning in a house (i) War (j) 

Physically and mentally handicapped children (l) Rebellious  children 


Learning Outcomes. After reading this lesson, you should be able to explain God’s plan of salvation 

After the fall of man, God took steps to heal the damaged situation and relationship between Him and 

Adam and Eve. 


1. Provided clothing of skin to Adam and Eve. 

2. Looked for Adam and Eve since they were hiding from His presence. 

3. Provided Adam and Eve with the knowledge to find different foods. 

4. Declared enmity between man and the snake. 

5. Hinted at the ultimate victory of man when He said that the seed of the woman would crush the 

snake or serpent’s head. The serpent would attack the heel of man and woman. 

All through the Old Testament, and the New Testament, we see God’s plan of salvation being 

manifested. For instance, GOD chose and separated Abraham from other communities. The children of 

Israel led by Moses (were delivered) from Egypt,. God sent prophets to teach and warn the Israelites of 

the dangers of sin. Finally God sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross to save human kind. 



Learning Outcomes. After reading similarities and differences between traditional African view of evil 

and biblical concept of sin, you should be able to: 

a. Point out similarities of the concept of sin as described by the Bible and African traditions 

b. State differences between the Biblical and traditional African concept of sin 


Both the Biblical and traditional African view or agree that 

1) God is supreme. God is neither the creator nor author of evil 

2) Sin comes from the disobedience of God by human beings 

3) Evil and misfortune are God’s curse to man (Biblical) while the traditional African society sees evil as 

curses by ancestors, and elders. Both curses lead to misfortunes. 

4) The result of sin and evil is human sufferings 

5) Sin and evil lead to man being separated from God 

6) God is the guardian of law and order 

7) Human beings have the ability to overcome evil 


1) Biblical account emphasizes personal nature of sin while in the African concept, sin is more social and 


2) Biblical account attributes  evil to disobedience while African concept attributes  evil not only to 

disobediences but other external forces. 

3) Biblical accounts offer a message of hope to overcome evil while African concept doesn’t offer a 

solution to sin and evil. 

4) Traditional African concept all forms of suffering as a result of sin while in the Bible suffering is not 

always a result of sin. 

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