Business Communication
Def. Refers to the communication within an organization (internal) & to the outside world (.External communication)
Business communication is affected by factors such as
Globalization of business
Increase in workforce diversity
Increased value of information
Persuasiveness of technology
Reliance on teamwork
Evolution of organizational structure
Barriers to effective communication
Success in business today one needs ability to communicate with people both inside and outside the organization.
Effective communication occurs when others understand the message correctly and the feedback is that which is expected.
Effective communication helps manage
Improve business relationship
Enhances professional image good will
Connects the company with all stakeholders and groups affected e.g... Customers, employees etc.
Facilitates quicker problem solving
Stronger decision making
Increased productivity
Steadier work force
Stronger business relationships
Meeting the organizations goals
Forms of Business Communication
Business communication takes three main forms namely:
i. Internal communication
ii. External Communication
iii. Communication networks
The increasing value of business information.
the value of information is competitive in business world on
Competition for skilled workforce, raw materials and control of markets shares
Competitive insights such as competitors strengths and weakness.
Customers needs so as to maintain customs royalty and increase sales
Regulations and guidelines which cover government requirements on employment production, market requirements etc.
1 a) Discuss the role of business communication
b) What are the benefits of effective communication?
c) Outline the increasing value of business information.
Media of communication.
Definition -Refers to the ways or path through which information is passed. They include:-
Oral communication or verbal communication
Non-verbal communication
Written communication ( non- verbal communication)
Visual communication
Audio visual communication
Electronic communication.
1. Oral or verbal communication
It includes face to face conversations, telephone conversation, radio broadcasts, interviews, group discussions, meetings, conferences and seminars, announcements over public addresses system, speeches est.
It refers to the exchange of information the use of words in a language understood by the both the sender and receiver of the message.
The merits of oral communication
1. Oral communication saves on time facilitating quick action.
2. oral communication saves on costs of printing sending
3. speech is a more powerful means of persuading and controlling
4. Conveys various shades of meaning through variations in tone, pitch and intensity of voice (efficacy) which written communication cannot achieve.
5. feedback in immediate
6. Clarification is obtainable and generates good relationship between senior staff and junior staff.
The limitations of oral communication
1. Distance and lack of mechanical devices may limit oral communication
2. Oral communication may not be suitable in conveying lengthy messages
3. Oral messages cannot be retained for a long time
4. Oral messages do not have legal validity unless taped as part of a permanent record.
5. Easily miss-understood especially when dealing with a large audience.
6. In oral messages responsibilities for mistakes in any cannot be specifically assigned.
Essential of effective oral communication
1. Clear pronunciation i.e. clear pronunciation of words and correct use of words.
2. Brevity i.e... the message should be brief and concise
3. Conviction i.e...The person must be convinced of what he/she is saying lack of it will cause lack of confidence.
4. Precision makes oral communication very effective.
5. logically sequence reduces any confusion that may arise
6. appropriate word choice
7. avoiding hackneyed phrases such as what I mean do you follow I see isnt it
8. Natural voice should be used at all times.
Important guidelines of giving oral instructions
1. Do not assume that the listener has prior knowledge about the subject
2. Select a suitable time of giving instruction.
3. organize the instruction so that they make sense to the listener
4. use simple clear, concise and accurate language
5. do not give any irrelevant or un important details
6. carefully watch the listener expressions to assess success
7. allow questions from your listeners
8. Repeat complicated instructions.
Charnels of oral communication
1 Face to face communication
Refers to the process of exchanging information when both the receiver and sender are in a physically close to each other
Appears identical with oral communication. However it is possible to identify situations in which the two may be distinguished.
Telephonic conversation is oral but cannot be called face-to-face communication. Face to face communication brings the two parties together with facial expressions, shaking of lands and other contract features prevail.
Merits of face to face communication
facial expression and gestures facilitate better communication
discussions results are best when oral discussion is used
facilitates prompt feedback and action
Provides the two parties a situation to adjust for better or clarify issues promptly.
Limitationsof face to face communication.
Difficult to be practiced in large organizations especially where departmental locations are at a distance.
In effective when communicating parties have pre-formed attitudes.
In effective where the listener is not attentive.
i. Telephone conversation refers to use of telephone call to convey messages
ii. Radio broadcasts the passing of information
iii. Interviews
iv. Group discussions
v. meetings
vi. Conferences
vii. Seminars
2. Non-verbal Communication
Refers to the process of passing information without the use of words.
Typical examples include ,
Silence, written communication and body language.
Silence is the most eloquent way of non verbal communication
Silence can express
i) acceptance
ii) meeting of strangers
iii) refusal
iv) disapproval
v) anger
vi) resentment
vii) Lack of interest.
3. Written Communication
Refers to the process of passing information through writing and the receiver has to read the message in order to understand. The most common means of written communication include:-
i. Letters
ii. Memos
iii. Minutes
iv. Reports
v. Notice etc
Advantages/Merits of written communication
i. It is accurate and precise
ii. It can repeatedly be referred to
iii. It is a permanent record
iv. It is a legal document
v. It facilitates assigning responsibilities
vi. It has a wide access
Disadvantages/ Limitations of written communication
i. It is time consuming
ii. It is costly
iii. Immediate clarification is not possible
iv. Communication is only to those who are educated i.e. read and write
Essential of effective communication
4. Body Movement e.g... facial expressions
A facial expression is non- verbal communication element also referred to as the body language by George Terry it includes.
i. Rolling
ii. Shrinking
iii. Winking
iv. Twinkling
v. Frowning
vi. Twisting the lips
vii. Wobbling the head
viii. Movement of the hands etc
5. Visual Communication
Includes gestures and facial expressions, tables and charts, diagrams, posters, slides film etc.
Mime is an old art in which ideas and emotions are communicated through facial expressions and gestures.
Road signs are typical examples of the use of visual communication
Visual communication can be used to transmit simple ideas, orders, warnings etc
It is more effective when used with other media, example when one combines a diagram with written communication .
6. Audio Visual Communication
Makes use of
Short films on cinema screens
Video tapes and discs
Power point.
Combines sound and sight and with latest use of written information
Explanations, narrations and interpretations make visual communication more effective.
The information passed normally would stay in the mind longer.
It is suitable for mass publicity and education
The production must be of greater equity.
7. Electronic Communication
Is communication by use of electronic equipments such as computers and televisions? Electronic communication has greatly facilitated.
i) electronic banking
ii) electronic publishing
iii) electronic ticketing
the use of satellite communication via television and cables has transformed the world into a global village
By use of a computer one can communicate directly with other person using a computer too. The computer uses tiny pulses of electricity along cable representing digital code which code and decode the pulses to communicate information inseconds .
the information will be in the form of.
moving pictures
speech or music
computers can also communicate directly with other electronic devices that use digital technology such as;
digital telephones
digital cameras
image scanners
The internet is an international network of computers and similar electronic machines, linked by the wires, cables, radio-Waves and satellites of telecommunication systems.
The system converts and carries signals between computers in the same way that it carries the sounds of telephone calls.
Information exchanged in the net can be in the form of words, pictures, and diagrams sounds moving, images etc
Other parts such as the World Wide Web (www) provide millions of pages of information available to millions of people.
The World Wide Web(www or the net) is part of the internet. It is made up of a huge number of inter-linked documents containing pages of information.
Visitors or clients access the web using a piece of software called web browser. The internet service provider provides (ISP) may provide browser software, but it is also widely available elsewhere .With a browser the client can go directly to a known page, address- identified by its URL (i.e... the unique resource location.)
Electronic Mail
Electronic mail ( e-mail) is a process by which one person can exchange messages with other people entirely on computers
Actually E-mails do much the same as ordinary mails except for the fact that email only uses electronic communication i.e...Computers.
The most basic form of email is where one computer is connected to another via a telephone
Types of E-email
a) Internal e-mail
Operates within an organization. It is usually on a local area network (LAN) based mail system.
Messages may be passed amongst network computer users e.g. Replacement of internal memos etc. it is normally suitable for large organizations.
b) External E-mail
Enables individuals or organizations to communicate with other individuals or organization anywhere in the world.
This is achieved using one of the external e-mail networks such as CompuServe, MCI mail six and the internet. The internet is the most popular and commonly used network
The advantage of a commercially run online e-mail service is that you dont need your own network so the amount of management time required to look after it is minimized.
Equipments (hardware and software) required.
All e-mails require some sort of communication software, depending upon what it is required to do. .Arrange of software is available, each has its own standard ways of working, but a basic e-mail system should provide the key services of;
i) identifying the recipient of the message
ii) locating the receiver
iii) finding a route along which the message can be sent
The basis of internal mail system is usually a LAN where the users long to access the mail software. Using external e-mail via a network such as the internet requires the use of a pc, a modem and an account with the service provider.
Addressing E-Mail
In e-mail each user has a unique mailing address all e-mail addresses should be typed entirely in lower case letters ( no capitals)
Each address identifies the user and their domain
The users name comes before and @ symbol.
Advantages of E-mail
1. E-mail messages can be sent to the recipients mailbox at any time and at the senders convenience.
2. e-mails are quick to deliver information
3. Confirmation of receipt is possible
4. Provide evidence of communication and can be used as evidence
5. Can transfer large sums of information.
6. Cheaper to send information
7. E-mails are more flexible than fixed information.
8. Efficient in disbursing information to many people
9. Use of E-mail requires minimal training.
1. expensive to install
2. busy offices may not fully utilize its use
3. companies tend to over look training on its use
4. tends to exclude others ( personalized)
5. use of E-mail may result to time wasting by staff on non-official use of PC
6. mail server may crash
7. System error may affect the entire delivery of important mail.
Video Conferencing
Describes a range of activities made possible by development in telecommunication technology.
The basic idea is that users can see each other and share information in various forms without having to be on the same location i.e... meeting or traveling
It provides a person- to person contact at a distance which is essence is
A reduction in travel costs
A reduction in travel costs
A saving of time
Facilitates meeting of people at different locations
Access to expertise in remote areas
Increases availability of personnel
Increases efficiency and productivity
Communication Policy
Definition of Policy
A policy is a concise formal statement of principles which indicate how an organization will act in particular area of its operations e.g. communication
These principals are derived from and shaped by the law and regulations that govern that organization, the national standards & the community expectations together with the values, vision and mission of the organization.
It is the role of any policy to;
i) Translate values into operations
ii) Ensure compliance with legal and statutory responsibilities
iii) Guide the organization towards achieving its strategic plan
iv) Set the standards
v) Improve management of risks
A communication policy therefore refers to the laid down principals and regulations which relate to the systematic flow or path through which information ( messages) is transmitted or passed through patterns of interaction among people
i) With the organization
ii) Outside the organization
iii) With the organization networks
The policy will clearly define communication patterns by structuring internal communication system into
a) Formal communication
b) Informal communication
The formal lines of communication
i) Downward communication
ii) Upward communication
iii) Lateral communication
iv) Diagonal communication will be clearly defined
The policy will highlight on the validity and us of grapevine in the organization.
The communication policy will also detail regulations on the external communication in all its forms i.e.
i) Telephone verbal
ii) Written communication
iii) E-communication
iv) Fax mile e.t.c
In order to protect its image and establish good will among its customers and the rest of stake holders.A policy will clearly define the scope of any networks that may
exist in the organization. communication networks are classified groups of people who handle information that may be
Secret in nature
Confidential or
A communication policy establishes those included in the network and the extent to which such matters may be disclosed.
Effects of a good communication policy
A communication policy will detail the functions and effectiveness of an organizations
a) Internal communication system
b) External communication system
c) The networks system
1 .Effects of a good policy on the internal communication system
An internal communication policy lays down principals of ;
Formal communication and
Informal communication
a) Formal communication system
Formal communication refers to the officially laid down procedures of communication
A good internal policy will clearly define the following lines of communication
i) Downwards communication(the flow of information from the top of the subordinate staff. )
The policy will facilitate good relationship between the top officers reducing autocratic leadership
Open door policy operations to reduce gap between top and subordinates
Effective orders being given and executed
Efficiency in operations between the subordinates and the management.
ii) Upward communication (the flow of information from junior staff ( subordinate) to the management )
A good policy will remove fear and create openness between the subordinates and management
New ideas can easily be shares among employee facilitating creativity., through implementation of suggestion scheme
iii) Diagonal communication. refers to communication between a senior manager in one department eg finance to a person of a lower rank in another department eg H/R
A good policy will create departmental harmony and operations increasing efficiency and timely processing of information
iv) Lateral communication (communication between two manager of similar ranks but of different departments )
A good policy will enhance co-ordination and efficient system of processing information on time. The relationship will be of support to each other without delays but full of consultation.
2. Informal communication
A good communication policy will facilitate utilization of informal channels of communication .The flow of unplanned information among employees such that ;
Any alerts or warnings can easily be communicated on time.
Any remedies required can be put in place on time
Feeling of subordinates can be expressed freely in areas of correction
a) External communication i.e. communication from the organization to the outside world of
i) Making phone calls outside the organization with minimum supervision and costs
ii) Replies are prompt and professional phone handling officers are not present after messages are taken
iii) Written message are made professionally in order to boost the organization image out there
iv) Procedures of mail collection processing and sending are effectively put in place.
b) Communication networks. refers to the classified information that is exchanged within an organization
A good communication policy will enhance
The composition and types of networks that will exist in the organization
The type of information to be considered as classified
The various secretes to be shares and the members to own it
The information to be considered confidential and those to handle the information.
A good policy will therefore be a significant tool in any organization if the overall goals and objectives are to be achieved.