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Introduction to Communication




Communication Refers to the transmission or exchange of information between two or more persons.The information emanates from the source to the destination and eventually back to the source in the form of a feed back. The information being exchanged is referred to as a message and the process develops to a communication process.

Communication is all about sending and receiving information. It is in its simplest sense a human relationship involving people who come together to share, to dialogue and to continue. Peter Little defines communication in his words � communication is the process by which information is transmitted between individuals and or, organizations so that an understanding response results�

William Scott in his organization theory defines communication as� Administrative communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting action which will accomplish the organizational goals�


1. Information

One of the most important objectives of communication is passing and receiving information together with keeping records of information.

The information on the following aspects is vital for efficient operations of a business organization

Information about the product or service as to understand

the customers satisfaction

the customer�s needs response

meeting latest trends

information about the availability of credit

information about the availability of raw materials

information about government rules and regulation

information about technology development

information about changing market trends

Information about the competitors and changing trends in competition.

2) For planning purposes on;

i) job assignments and procedures governing production

ii) decision making

iii) development and growth of the organization

iv) environmental development

v) marketing strategies

vi) Countering competition.

3) To meet the organization goals such as;

i) profitability

ii) sourcing for investment capital

iii) social responsibility

iv) the organization structure

v) Customer satisfaction.

4) For internal operations

The internal information includes:-

i) Production

ii) Sales and marketing

iii) Staff members on recruitment promotions and other appraisals

iv) The efficiency and reliability of operations.

5) Competitive information.

Involves understanding the

i) rival companies, operations and weakness

ii) the strategies, strengths and weaknesses

iii) technological and marketing strengths

6) Environmental information such as � political, social, economic, culture, climatic and geographical information.

The sources of information

i) old files � provide a great deal of internal information

ii) observations

iii) mass media

iv) chambers of commerce

v) meeting seminars and conferences

vi) personal interviews

vii) questionnaires

viii) trade fairs and exhibitions

ix) The internet

Effects of poor communication

  • Confusion





Low morale and lack of motivation

Strikes and unrest

Poor transfer of information

Feeling of dissatisfaction

The purpose of communication in business

1. Inform others and being informed

2. Evaluating an organizations input & output

3. Directing others and being directed

4. Influencing others and being influenced

5. Integrating management functions.

6. Facilitating internal and external communications.

The importance of communication

1. Better performance

2. efficiency and timely delivery

3. improved customers relations

4. creation of better business prospective

5. better management

6. harmony among employment

7. coordination

8. proper resource utilization

9. Building of business reputation

Areas of emphasis when defining communication

i) The process of communication involves communication of ideas.

ii) The ideas should be accurately replicated ie .reproduced in the receiver�s mind.

iii) The transmitter is assured of the accurate replication of ideas by feedback.

iv) The purpose of any communication is to elicit action.


The above definition covers almost all aspects of communication but should also include two important aspects

i) The concept of idea should be adequately enlarged to include.

ii) Even in the administrative communication the purpose may not always be to elicit action but to


Seeking information

Persuading others etc.

All communication has to be originated produced, transmitted, received and understood.

The main aspects of communication which need to be considered are;

The source of communication i.e... the message � (sender)

The contents of communication is produced eg dictation � (Message)

The method of transmission e.g... faxing (channel)

The process involved in receiving e.g... mail handling

The destination of the communication i.e..recipient. (receiver)

The understanding of the communication (feedback)

We can therefore conclude that communication exists when,

i) there is a person ( a sender or transmitter) desirous of passing on some information

ii) There is another person (receiver) to whom the information is to be passed on.

iii) The receiver partly or wholly understands the message passed on to him (message)

iv) The receiver responds to the message ( feedback )

Forms of communication in a business venture

a. With Customers

Most of the communication with customers is one way i.e... through;

i) advertisements

ii) direct mail

iii) sales promotions etc

one can experience a two way communication with customers when;

i. there is physical contact with customers

ii. telesales

iii. questionnaires

iv. taking orders or deliveries

v. dealing with complaints

b. With Staff

communicating with staff occurs when

i. delegating tasks

ii. appraising performances

iii. Resolving grievances EST


c) Communicating with supplier

i. placing orders

ii. dealing with returns outwards/ or replacements

iii. dealing with payments

iv. accounts reconciliation (creditors)


d) Communicating with owners

i) Annual reports �AGM

ii) Monthly or weekly returns for small organization.

e) Communicating with the community

i. Involvement in various projects i.e... community projects

ii. environmental issues

iii. marketing activities

iv. Employment issues.

The importance of effective communication in business

I. Set up and establishment of a business

Communication maybe described as the lifeblood of business. No business can develop in the absence of effective internal and external communication.

II. Management

Communication is a vital tool of management the potentials of communication as a management too are so great and include.

Favorable dealing with outside companies

Effective relationships within an organization

Conducting effectively the functions of the organization

Controlling and coordination in order to meet the organizational goals and objectives

Maintaining external relationships with customers and suppliers

III. Organization Structure

The structure of the organization and delegation/ consultancy

The leadership style of management adopted by the organization will have significant impact on the amount and effectiveness of the communication.

A democratic style of leadership involves junior people in the organizational decision making process to varying degrees, this requires a two-way communication for the structure to be effective

Organizations with autocratic leaders are likely to have less communication and much of it one way I.e...Downward communication.


IV. Motivation


Motivation techniques have changed in the recent years. Although money is still perceived as a chief motivator, non financial methods have taken over and relate to communications & job design

Effective communication is currently the chief motivator and generates excellent relationship between employers and employees.


V. Decision making

Communication in an organization not only receives records and processes information but also communicates this information to management to enable the management make


effective and timely decisions with regard to, directing controlling and coordinating the activities of the organization.

VI. Implementation of change

Effective communication is an essential element of business success. It enables change implementation encourages and develops commitment to the business from employees at all levels within the organization.

VII. Appointment and promotion of employees

Through communication the right staff can be solicited for and facilitate development of promotional policies in an organization.

VIII. Communication to the outside.

Effective communication enables the organization creates good link with stake holders, the media &suppliers generating related benefits.

Access to relevant information is possible to allow proper planning, prioritizations, co- ordination and controlling.

The benefits of effective communication with stake holders

a. The suppliers

i. Through communication prompt supply can be achieved increasing profitability in production.

ii. Good communication increases efficiency and effective delivery of support services e.g... Credit facilities and good will.

iii. Any differences or misunderstanding can be sorted effectively and satisfactory on each party.

b. The customers

Communication facilitates understanding of;

Customers needs and satisfaction level

Product quality based on feed backs

Distribution channels which meet requirements

Pricing decisions

Packaging requirements

Segmentation requirements.

c. Employees

i. Good communication facilitates

ii. motivation in the working environment

iii. high level performance

iv. minimization of wastage

v. Meeting targets and organization goals.


d. General public

i. good communication creates

ii. awareness of social changes

iii. environment of recruiting quality staff

iv. achieving profitable sales

v. creating good will of the business through community project participation

e. Other stake holders

communication enhances other relationships of other stakeholders such as;

i. competitors

ii. Other business companies e.g... insurance companies

iii. the government departmental

iv. financial institution

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