Most parent companies present their own individual accounts and their group accounts in a single
package. The package typically comprises the following;
1. Parent company financial statements, which will include investments in subsidiary undertakings
as an asset in the statement of financial position and income from subsidiaries (dividends) in the
income statement.
2. Consolidated statement of financial position
3. Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income
4. Consolidated statement of cash flows.
Key definitions
Group accounting
Group accounting is bringing together separate entities into one reporting entity.
The main objective of preparing group accounts is to present the financial statement of the parent
company and its subsidiary companies as if they existed as a single economic entity.
Parent company/holding
A holding company refers to the company that controls one or more other entities.
A subsidiary refers to an entity that is controlled by the parent company i.e. where the parent controls
more than 50% of the shareholdings.
IFRS 10 defines a subsidiary as “An entity that is controlled by another entity. The control means that
the parent company can govern the financial and operating policies of its subsidiaries to gain benefits
from the operations of subsidiary. Control can be gained if more than 50% of the voting rights are
acquired by the parent. This is usually done by purchasing more than 50% of the shares of subsidiary.
An investor controls an investee if and only if the investor has all the following:
(a) Power over the investee;
(b) Exposure, or rights, to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and
(c) The ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns.
It refers to the parent and all its subsidiary companies
This refers to the power to govern financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits
from its activities.
As per IAS27 control is presumed to exist when the investor controls more than 50% of the voting
power of the investee company
-There are circumstances when control exists, when the investor controls more than 50% or less they
- If the investor has power to participate in the operating policies/financial policies in the investee
- If the investor has power to appoint or remove a majority of the members of BOD in the investee
Non-controlling interest (NCI)
Non-controlling interest represents the portion which remains not acquired by the parent in a
subsidiary company i.e. it’s the portion attributable to the minority shareholders.
For the parent to consolidate for the operations of a subsidiary the share of the NCI must be taken into
consideration in the consolidated financial statement (with their percentage).
It is an investee company where the parent controls 20% but not exceeding 49% of the shareholdings.
Joint venture
A joint venture is an entity in which the parent company controls 50% of the shareholding.
A joint arrangement
A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control. Joint control is
the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about
the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control.
Joint arrangement can exist in two different forms as set out by IFRS 11:
- joint operation
- joint venture
Simple investment
A simple investment is an investee company in which the parent controls less than 20% of the
For the parent company to consolidate for the operations of the investee companies it should first
determine the group structure and shareholding.
There are three types of group structures. Namely;-
1. Horizontal group structure
2. Vertical group structure
3. Mixed group structure
Horizontal group structure
It exists where the parent company has a direct control in one or more investee companies.
H Ltd acquires 80%, 50% and 40% of A Ltd, B Ltd and C Ltd respectively.
Show the group structure and shareholding for consolidation purposes.